Monday, September 17, 2012

Did the Roman Catholic Church give us our Bible? (zkueker88)patrick j miron how to Annoy - human error and incorrect understanding

what to do with patrick j miron

patrick j miron how to Annoy - human error and incorrect understanding


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Peter Falling Down Stairs- patrick j miron finding the truth --There can only be a single truth per issue [applying logic here],

remember there is a singular truth with patric j miron

Protestant Theology & Catholic Doctrines
Exposed to cover & discover the 

 Naked Truth“... Catholic responses to the Booklet:

 “Answers to my Catholic Friends” by Thomas F. Heinze    part 3

A Catholic reply to Protestant “[mis]- Understandings” Part 3

“WHERE Do the Differences Between Catholics and Come From?”

It ought not be a surprise that 

each of Thomas’ positions is based on a continuation of secular-humanistic-logic.  

Completely unguided by the Holy Spirit. 

 There can only be a single truth per issue [applying logic here], 

so the position of Thomas seems to be that there was

 no biblical truth prior to the formation of our  Brethren’s Protestant faith’s [plural], 

and there newly discovered  and uncovered  

“truths‘ after a period of about ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS of ONLY one Faith; the Faith of the Catholic Church. 

Their first error is again; 

denial of Christ in the Eucharist,

 and the FACT that as Jesus Himself assures us; 

  “I AM God and I AM Present“,

 He therefore deserves and commands the place of honor afforded to Him in Catholic Practice. 

That is why the altar if Sacrifice in located front and center.

 God becomes Preset on it!

Second; on the issue of “authority.”

 Thomas [and most Protestants] 

 are not recognizing what the Bible ACTUALLY say’s about the Catholic Church teachings Authoritatively, 

because it alone is Christ Own Church, 

and the One set of faith-beliefs taught and protected by God himself. 

The issue is further solidified by the fact that the Bible remains

 a Catholic Book, in collection, and in origin of the entire New Testament

 which explains then why God ONLY guides the CC in granting His “FULL TRUTH“,


It is extremely important; even vital to recognize that the Protestant claim that the bible; for them, “acts for “as their “god,” 

 This is based on a complete and total falsehood. 

Because God” is not with them in the same manner He IS with us Catholics.

The Bible Alone” then acts as the “only and final authority“,

 leading Protestants to consistent errors and numerous disagreements within even there own non-catholic ranks.”

 YET that same “final authority” is NOT fully accepted, and is often rejected, with amazing consistently, as “common self- selectively” is regularly applied on all of their following positions which are taught in the Bible.

1. Only One God; 

 Only One set of Faith beliefs, 

 and Only one church approved,

 guided and guarded organization as was set up by Christ. 

[John 14:16-17; John 17:15-19; John 20-19-22; Matt. 28:16-20, Matt. 16:18-19].

2. The Primacy of Peter. Jesus gave the key’s to heavens access to Peter and the CC alone.

3. The denial of the proper place and absolute need for the CC as The Primary and Guided Teacher chosen by God

4. The essential Role of grace , especially “sacramental grace“ in BOTH Faith and salvation

5. Salvation issues and how salvation might be possible [clearly NOT OSAS] which denies God’s Divinity and humanities freewill, mind and intellect.

6. Predestination as part of salvation is NOT God’s way [nor the bibles, IF correctly understood.

7. The Seven Sacraments ALL instituted by Christ [explicitly or implicitly] for our benefit.

8. Forgiveness of Sins and how it  MUST happen, because God Himself say’s so.

9. That reading the Bible while a good thing; OFTEN [as evidenced by the MULTITUDE of Protestant denominations and varying faith-beliefs] ; is dangerous when not done in full-accord with the One Authority guided and honored by God; thee CC. [Mt.16:15-19; Mt.28:16-20; John 14:16-17; John 17:15-19, John 20:19-22; Eph. 4:1-7, Acts 20:29, Rom. 3:2; Jer. 3:15; 1 John 4:4-5;  2nd. Cor. 11:12-13, All of John chapter six; Mt. 7:21-23, 2nd. Tim. 4:1-4, 2nd. Tim.3:16-17, and 2nd. Peter 2:1-2.]  

AND THIS IS only A PARTIAL LIST OF BIBLE PASSAGES THEY DO NOT ACCEPT., so it seems foolish to spend more time on this topic.

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patrick j miron--- how to Annoy - human error and incorrect understanding

well here we go with patrick j miron education

patrick j miron how to Annoy - human error and incorrect understanding

just in time for christmas

Any and All evidence of a seemingly contradictive statement is PROOF POSITIVE of human error

 of and incorrect understanding

So how does one then resolve such apparent conflicts of theology, doctrine and understanding will become our first priority to explain.

 Consider the following points carefully and prayerfully.

Logic itself assures that God would have anticipated this potential problem of wrong understanding, in the course of human-secular history, and would have Himself provided the answer.

Logic also confirms that for every precisely defined issue there can only be One single truth.

The First element of truth to be exposed has two key elements:
1. Never in the recorded history of the God-man relationship,

 has God even one time indicated that He God would approve of any alternative Faith beliefs

 not taught by Him personally

; or Inspired and fully protected by the Holy Spirit. 

If anyone did chosen to teach a different Faith., such actions were often the impetus for swift and severe rebukes by God.

While after 2,000 years there  remains ONLY One Catholic Church, [23 braches], all sharing the same,

 One set of commonly held faith beliefs;

 our Protestant brethren have a HUGE number of differing sets of faith beliefs, often within the same denomination

indicative of what might be expected without God’s Own Guidance, protection and warranty. 

This sad reality stems from “everyone being entitled [somehow?] to their own understanding [with God’s expected approval of it.]

ONLY the CC  actually has these gifts and assurance, of God’s own Truths and such is proven by the Bible itself.

Romans 13: 1-4 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. [Appointed by Christ Himself]  For there is no authority except from God,and those that exist have been instituted by God.

 Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of him who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good

But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain; he is the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer.”

2.  The second point is the it is GOD who choose Peter and the Apostles

And it is God who choose to restrict heavens access to what is taught By Jesus, through Peter and the Catholic Church. [Mt. 16:18-19]

Retard Terrorist--“WHERE Do the Differences Between Catholics and Come From?” patrick j miron

being educated at boysville of michigan at thomas more high school-- leadership training the the brothers of holy cross

Protestant Theology & Catholic Doctrines
Exposed to cover & discover the 

 Naked Truth“... Catholic responses to the Booklet:

 “Answers to my Catholic Friends” by Thomas F. Heinze    part 3

A Catholic reply to Protestant “[mis]- Understandings” Part 3

“WHERE Do the Differences Between Catholics and Come From?”

It ought not be a surprise that 

each of Thomas’ positions is based on a continuation of secular-humanistic-logic.  

Completely unguided by the Holy Spirit. 

 There can only be a single truth per issue [applying logic here], 

so the position of Thomas seems to be that there was

 no biblical truth prior to the formation of our  Brethren’s Protestant faith’s [plural], 

and there newly discovered  and uncovered  

“truths‘ after a period of about ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS of ONLY one Faith; the Faith of the Catholic Church. 

Their first error is again; 

denial of Christ in the Eucharist,

 and the FACT that as Jesus Himself assures us; 

  “I AM God and I AM Present“,

 He therefore deserves and commands the place of honor afforded to Him in Catholic Practice. 

That is why the altar if Sacrifice in located front and center.

 God becomes Preset on it!

Second; on the issue of “authority.”

 Thomas [and most Protestants] 

 are not recognizing what the Bible ACTUALLY say’s about the Catholic Church teachings Authoritatively, 

because it alone is Christ Own Church, 

and the One set of faith-beliefs taught and protected by God himself. 

The issue is further solidified by the fact that the Bible remains

 a Catholic Book, in collection, and in origin of the entire New Testament

 which explains then why God ONLY guides the CC in granting His “FULL TRUTH“,


It is extremely important; even vital to recognize that the Protestant claim that the bible; for them, “acts for “as their “god,” 

 This is based on a complete and total falsehood. 

Because God” is not with them in the same manner He IS with us Catholics.

The Bible Alone” then acts as the “only and final authority“,

 leading Protestants to consistent errors and numerous disagreements within even there own non-catholic ranks.”

 YET that same “final authority” is NOT fully accepted, and is often rejected, with amazing consistently, as “common self- selectively” is regularly applied on all of their following positions which are taught in the Bible.

1. Only One God; 

 Only One set of Faith beliefs, 

 and Only one church approved,

 guided and guarded organization as was set up by Christ. 

[John 14:16-17; John 17:15-19; John 20-19-22; Matt. 28:16-20, Matt. 16:18-19].

2. The Primacy of Peter. Jesus gave the key’s to heavens access to Peter and the CC alone.

3. The denial of the proper place and absolute need for the CC as The Primary and Guided Teacher chosen by God

4. The essential Role of grace , especially “sacramental grace“ in BOTH Faith and salvation

5. Salvation issues and how salvation might be possible [clearly NOT OSAS] which denies God’s Divinity and humanities freewill, mind and intellect.

6. Predestination as part of salvation is NOT God’s way [nor the bibles, IF correctly understood.

7. The Seven Sacraments ALL instituted by Christ [explicitly or implicitly] for our benefit.

8. Forgiveness of Sins and how it  MUST happen, because God Himself say’s so.

9. That reading the Bible while a good thing; OFTEN [as evidenced by the MULTITUDE of Protestant denominations and varying faith-beliefs] ; is dangerous when not done in full-accord with the One Authority guided and honored by God; thee CC. [Mt.16:15-19; Mt.28:16-20; John 14:16-17; John 17:15-19, John 20:19-22; Eph. 4:1-7, Acts 20:29, Rom. 3:2; Jer. 3:15; 1 John 4:4-5;  2nd. Cor. 11:12-13, All of John chapter six; Mt. 7:21-23, 2nd. Tim. 4:1-4, 2nd. Tim.3:16-17, and 2nd. Peter 2:1-2.]  

AND THIS IS only A PARTIAL LIST OF BIBLE PASSAGES THEY DO NOT ACCEPT., so it seems foolish to spend more time on this topic.